
My name is Mitch Andrews and I'm a game programmer from Toronto, Canada.
I program primarily in C++, C#, and Node.js using either OS X or Windows.
I enjoy using Unity and Unreal Engine 4 for hobby game development.
You can contact me though email or @wobbier on Twitter if you have any questions!

Favorite Games

Hunted and alone, a boy finds himself drawn into the center of a dark project.


Firewatch is a single-player first-person mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio.


Hotline Miami is a high-octane action game overflowing with raw brutality, hard-boiled gunplay and skull crushing close combat.

Hotline Miami

Explore the world of Thirty Flights of Loving through a first-person short story. Take a deep dive with high-flying schemers, lovelorn criminals, and more stray kittens than you can shake a stick at.

Thirty Flights of Loving

My Game Jam List

  • TOJam 13
  • TOJam 12
    • Head Trip
  • TOJam 11
  • TOJam 10
    • Goatie Jr
  • TOJam 9
  • TOJam 8
    • Hard In The Paint
  • {CODE} 2014
  • Great Canadian Appathon 4
    • Cat Blaster
  • Global Game Jam 2015
    • Wormie Strikes Back