Mitch Engine is a simple c++ component based game engine for creating games on the Xbox One and Windows 10 Store. It's a great hobby project to keep me exploring the world of c++.
Check out my Trello Board to check out the current development status.
The engine is:
// Create an entity.
EntityHandle MainCamera = GameWorld->CreateEntity();
// Add some components
Transform& CameraTransform = MainCamera->AddComponent<Transform>("Main Camera");
Camera& CameraComponent = MainCamera->AddComponent<Camera>();
// Start changing some values
CameraTransform.SetPosition(0.f, 5.f, 10.f);
// Spawning models.
EntityHandle ModelEntity = GameWorld->CreateEntity();
// Add some components
Transform& TransformComponent = ModelEntity->AddComponent<Transform>("Ground Model");
Model& ModelComponent = ModelEntity->AddComponent<Model>("Assets/Models/ground.fbx");